January – February 2004

Editor’s Message …

Author: Ian MacDonald

This can be considered the first issue of the latest version of a Colorado Rocketry Association of Space Hobbyists Newsletter! I volunteered to do this at the December C.R.A.S.H. business meeting. Among the regulars at C.R.A.S.H. launches there are flyers with a great deal of knowledge and experience in the sport of rocketry. Consider this a solicitation for articles. You won’t be paid but you will gain lots of positive karma – that is unless you use your article as an opportunity to provide misinformation to potential contest competitors!
Distributing the newsletter on CRASH-talk has some limitations. The most obvious is CRASH-talk doesn’t allow attachments so we can’t have any pictures or diagrams. I’ll be talking to Todd and Dave some more on the possibility and logistics of the newsletter being on our web page. If you’re reading this on the web, then you know this has been sorted out. A big thanks to Bruce Markielewski for his work on building the Newsletter Editor. I’m open to suggestions on the practicality verses the cost of printing and mailing the newsletter. It seems most of our regular flyers have Internet access, so I suggest it’s a waste to mail them a newsletter. I think an announcement on CRASH-talk when the newsletter hits the web page would suffice. After that, we could, on an individual basis, print copies to distribute to those without Internet, or maybe there could be a mailing list for those who wish hardcopy sent to them. With a mailing list we would need to decide if we limit it to current paid members, or if there should be a separate charge.
I’m also open to suggestions as to what should be in the newsletter. Should it be for those unable to make it to our launches regularly to keep in touch with what’s going on? (Hello Chris!) Should it be a conduit for announcements that may or may not otherwise be seen on the web page or CRASH-talk? Should it be more anecdotal in nature as opposed to the “official” announcements that are on the web page and CRASH-talk? Should it be all of the above along with some education/information articles such as those found on the
I look forward to producing upcoming newsletters. Luke Short has contacted me and we plan to work together on upcoming newsletters. I see the format, content and frequency being in flux at first. Please comment to CRASH-talk what you would like to see in the newsletter. Ultimately I hope the C.R.A.S.H. newsletter can be an important and entertaining source of information for and about our club.

CARCIS XII Announcement …

Author: Bruce Markielewski

The 12th Annual Colorado Aerial Rocket Circus is scheduled for March 6th and 7th at our Bear Creek Lake Park launch site, starting at 10:00 AM each day. Fees are $1.00 per event, up to $5.00 for “C” and “Team” Divisions, free for “A” and “B” Divisions.

Contest Events (WF)

“A” Parachute Duration ( 7)
“B” Super-Roc Duration (14)
“B” Rocket Glider Duration (21)
“B” Eggloft Duration (17)
“1/2A” Boost Glider Duration (17)
Parachute Spot Landing ( 4)

Club Meeting …

Sunday, December 14th, 2003

Author: Ian MacDonald and Dave Hanson

The December business meeting and Christmas party was held at the Englewood Library. In attendance: Bruce Markielewski, Todd Williams, Kathleen Williams, Steve Clapp, Nathan Coit, Dave Hanson, Russ Anthony, Scott Hommas, Cliff Hoenstein, Ian MacDonald, James Russell, and Jeff Mosal.
Our annual elections for club officers was held at this meeting. It wasn’t nearly as hotly contested or as emotionally charged as the fall American Presidential race is expected to be. There was however some changing of the guard. We have a new President. There seemed to be pressure from the former first lady for Todd to pass the torch. The new list of officers is as follows:

Elected Positions:

President: Steve Clapp
Vice President: James Russell
Treasurer: Bruce Markielewski
Secretary: Dave Hanson
NAR Senior Advisor: Todd Williams

Appointed/Voluneteer Positions:

Newsletter Coordinator: Ian MacDonald / Luke Short
Contest Coordinator: Bruce Markielewski
Education Outreach Coordinator: Kathleen Williams
Membership Chairman: Jeff Mosal

Other topics that were discussed:

Dates and events for contest in March (CARCIS XII).
UROC’s Pioneer NAR Regional Contest which was held over Memorial Day weekend in May is possibly being moved to June due to the low turnout last year.
We have an upcoming outreach event at a Longmong elementary school in January.
CMRC XIII contest results and awards were presented by Bruce.
We are still accepting T-Shirt orders. Please contact Todd or Kathleen Williams, or sign up on the club web site.
Russ Anthony has a source for custom parachutes from neighbor. He has a signup sheet for 30″, 36″ and 24″. Samples of larger chutes will be available at the next launch.
The next Tripoli-Colorado busines meeting is scheduled for Dec. 27th.


Author: Bruce Markielewski

No, this isn’t an article on recipes by NAR members, but a reminder to NAR members that we’re coming up on the end of the NAR Sporting Code Rules Revision Process, and this is the time to review the Rule Change Proposals (RCP’s) that were submitted by June 30th, 2003, and eventually vote on them. By now, all NAR members should have received the NAR’s “Model Rocketeer – Vol. 46, No. 1”. This is the 12 page newsletter that generally contains articles on the inner working of the NAR.
This issue contains six proposals, and three are mine this time. I believe all six are important revisions that will improve NAR competition, and I encourage everyone to read them and vote on them when the time comes. Comments are enouraged and can be submitted to the NAR Rules Revisions Charman, Jim Filler, at, and you can of course discuss your views on our CRASH-Talk forum. The deadline for comments to the NAR is March 15th, so there’s not a lot of time to do this. Voting information will be published in the next “Model Rocketeer” issue, so here’s your chance to have a voice in how NAR competition is run, and help make it more enjoyable and competitive for everyone involved!

Launch Photos …

[Insert Photo Here]

Another full rack of models is ready for flight at a recent C.R.A.S.H. launch at Bear Creek Lake park.

[Insert Photo Here]

Bob Ellis’ Apogee Rocket Design Contest fantasy scale entry is ready for launch on two C11-5’s.

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Ex-President Todd Williams takes his LCO duties seriously!

(If you have any pictures that you would like to see published in the newsletter, please send them to the editor!)

C.R.A.S.H. Landings is published by:

Colorado Rocketry Association of Space Hobbyists (NAR section #482)

No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited material. All submissions become the property of C.R.A.S.H. Landings. Submissions should be delivered in electronic format by e-mail or diskette. For other formats, please contact the editor:

Ian MacDonald – [removed email]