The Colorado Rocketry Association of Space Hobbyists (C.R.A.S.H.) was “born” in 1988, thanks to the efforts of Michael Hellmund, and a handful of Colorado rocketeers. Originally known as the “Mile High Rocketry Association”, we resurrected the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) section charter #482.

The purpose of our organization is to develop the art of model rocketry through the club’s rocketry activities, to promote the safety of the sport during our activities, and educate the members and the public on the technical aspects of model rocketry.

Many of our members are sport flyers who always bring an exciting variety of models to the launches. At any of our year-round launches many types of models can be seen, including boost and rocket gliders, helicopters, camera and other electronic payloads, clustered and staged models, and many with unusual designs and paint schemes. We fly model rockets, with up to 3.3 pounds lift-off weight.

Our members are involved in many projects and activities. Many actively compete in local, regional and national NAR competitions. We are proud to have some of the toughest competitors in the country as our members. C.R.A.S.H. holds one or two NAR-sanctioned contests each year, attended by many of our members and those of COSROCS, our sister club in Colorado Springs. Others have pursued challenging rocketry related projects, some ending up as display models in museums around the country, including the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Our members have also participated in building sessions, library displays, and school launches.

Many of our members are involved in high power rocketry, and are members of the Tripoli Rocketry Association and the Tripoli Colorado high power group. If you are interested in pursuing High-Power Certification, please contact crash.rocketry(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)gmail.com. Furthermore, we have members who are involved in the manufacturing aspects of the hobby, creating some of the finest components available to the rocketry community.

While safety and education are high priorities of our organization, equally important is sharing the fun and enjoyment that the hobby of model rocketry brings.

Hope to see you at our launches!

Matt Boyles – President
Brian Houghton – Vice President\Range Advisor
Roland Halpern – Treasurer\Accountant\Range Advisor
Jesse Ulibarri – Social Media\Web\Events Coordinator